Sunday, November 29, 2015

Spending the Day in The Paradise

As the weather turns toward winter and the darkness sets in about 5 pm, it's time to snuggle up on the sofa and binge watch our Netflix.

And for me, the show I can't get enough of is The Paradise.
In the spirit of Downton Abbey, it's a BBC-born period piece about a bright-eyed country girl working as a shop-girl working in glamorous, Victorian-era department store called The Paradise.
It's the period setting that I love about it. The store is a scene of magnificent opulence, and if it were at all possible, I would crawl in my time machine and live in The Paradise.

There is an extreme attention to detail – from the elegant merchandise offered in the store, to the costumes, Oh! the costumes! Especially Katherine's—whose outfits are a symbol of status and power, more than fashion statenebt. They put her in exotic, rich, bold colors that pop against an already beautifully planned color palette.You can see more about the outfitting specifically in this behind-the-scenes. I'm glad I don't to have to dress like this every day, but I do think it would be nice if, as a society, we could be slightly more refined!
For those in marketing and retail, there's also some lessons to be learned. Not unlike Don Draper in Mad Men, who gives us lessons in advertising pitches, John Moray and Denise Lovitt seem to be experts in moving product. I'm sure it's not as easy as they make it look, their ideas are always an innovation of the times. 

If you're a fan of Downton, I suspect you'll enjoy The Paradise. It's full of class struggle, gender struggles, drama, and of course, love triangles. It's beautifully cast, scored and staged. It was a devastating blow for me to learn that there will be no third season showing up in my Netflix queue. The first (and only) two seasons are available both on Netflix and Masterpiece on PBS.

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