It plays out like a feature film— A hauntingly beautiful Fiona Apple cover of Pure Imagination gives the soundtrack to an emotional lesson. In this dystopian fantasy a scarecrow goes to work at a food processing plant, discovers the evils occurring behind closed doors, and eventually returns to work on a small farm.
One of the most honest statements in the film, is the food labels at the plant... "100% Beef-ish". Chiptole's goal is to explain to people how the food they eat is raised; to try to expose the rosy façade of an over-produced food industry. This isn't the first time they've urged for the cultivation of a better world— you can watch their 2011 animation here.
The video ultimately links to an app you can download for a game defeating crows. You can also purchase the Fiona Apple cover on iTunes.
The video hits a home run: amazing song, impressive animations, and a decisively strong environmental message about the evils of manufactured food production. I am shocked that this message comes from a massive food chain, and only pray that they are living up to their own judgements.

This video illustrates perfectly why I became a vegetarian. If you want to watch the more gruesome, real-life version, take the 12 minutes to watch this message from

So how responsible is Chipotle? Read this analysis of their efforts here: