So we took the G Train up to Queens on a pleasantly rainy afternoon. I was immediately stuck the facility presence on this unassuming street. PS1 was founded in 1971 in a section of under-utilized buildings in Long Island City. It is an exhibition center rather than a collection institution and it focuses on emerging artists and genres.
There was surprises all throughout the sprawling building. In one vast room you could stand in the midst of a great 40 person chorus, with each member emitting from their own speaker encircling you. The sound shock you with its sheer size and beauty.
[Janet Cardiff: The Forty Part Motet]
In another room, I was completely mesmerized by the spinning brushes of an old school car wash—so engaged in fact, that I didn't immediately notice the effect the static electricity produced by the spinning fibers was having on my own hair.
[Lara Favaretto: Just Knocked Out]
I was quite taken with the fine, detailed work of Caitlin Keogh. The colored pencil work is so meticulous and precise, I just couldn't stare close enough. Plus, much of her work focused on fashion and shoes, so I simply adored the silhouettes!
I also found myself lingering by the work of Max Brand, a German mixed-media painter who uses everything from chalk, crayons and markers to paint, bleach, and oil. The pieces look a little hectic but I loved the use of materials and the organized chaos.
Overall, I was impressed by the diversity of art found within PS1 and by their innovative use of space. Another New York recommendation!
w00t! your second non-Manhattan post!