Monday, July 22, 2013

A Perfectly Good Airplane

The Paper–Source catalog came today. And as per usual, it says "Do Something Creative Every Day". It's a delightful motto, but it seems like it's been awhile since I've done something creative. But it wasn't so long ago that I did something adventurous! 

As I get fretfully close to the big 3-0, I'm happy to report that I crossed something major off my bucket list. Turns out, jumping out of an airplane isn't nearly as scary as driving in a snowstorm. In fact, I look forward to doing it again. 

I wasn't nervous. It just seemed like something I needed to do. The whole thing was a blur, and processing what was happening at the moment, was impossible. It's still somewhat impossible. 

But it happened, and here's some pictures to prove it.....

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