Thursday, February 7, 2013

As Seen in NYC

I love this idea!—TV writer and filmographer, Christopher Moloney began recognizing scenes from movies on the streets of NYC. So he started matching stills from movies to their locations and creating new images. 

It's like collision of two worlds, and the effect is magical. Scenes from Breakfast at Tiffany's, Home Alone, Ghostbusters, The Secret of my SuccessYou've got Mail, (etc. etc.) are instantly recognizable in the iconic city that's home to Central Park, Grand Central Station, Lincoln Center, (yada, yada, yada).
It's such a simple concept, I would love to try this in my city–I'm just not sure GR has the arsenal of hollywood imagery to choose from. I may have to do it with photos from my own childhood— Which isn't really going to appeal to anyone but me!

See more of Moloney's collection, about 300 in all, on his Tumblr

source: Design Taxi via the Daily Beast.

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