Friday, March 23, 2012

Always in my Favor

It had to happen. A Tumblr featuring both Hunger Games and Ryan Gosling—not that the two are connected in any fashion. It doesn't make it any less brilliant.
Id like to thank the Huffington Post for bringing this to my attention, and for stating:
"If you had doubts as to whether Ryan Gosling could be applied to every single cultural phenomenon, put them to rest right now."

I feel so much better now.

I'd also like to tell Mr. Huffington that, yes, I was "one of the crazy few to brave a midnight showing" (though it wasn't really "a few") and it was totally worth it.

Thank you, 27-year-old Sara T. for filling a InterWeb void. Your work will surely not go unnoticed.

1 comment :

  1. This hellogiggles post is a nice follow-up. I couldn't say it any better....

    "If you were alive in Ancient Greece, sculptors would use your form as a model for true masculine beauty. (And Aristotle would add “Being Ryan Gosling” to the list of virtues a man should have.) Why is this a problem? Because instead of getting my work done, I’ve been spending my entire day planning our wedding. "
